Friday, October 14, 2011

where the sun shines

The Transilvanian plains lay before us as our hands ached from squeezing on our barely there brakes.  We found a little camping spot attached to a cabana and for 3AUD, we had access to the showers as well!  Still high on the days intense two pass ride, we ate so much food and drank a few brews to rejoyce in making it. 

We had kept hearing that the region of Sibiu and Brashov was worth visiting, however the national road (two lane major highway with no shoulder) was very dangerous and the only link between these areas.  Looking at the map again, we decided to just ride to Sebes and see what the road to Sibiu was really like. 


So we caught a train the 70km.  Don't judge us.  We arn't purists.  It really was the safer option.  Ok, it does get worse, we got to Sibiu and found out that the transfargashan highway (the one in top gear) was literally 60km away.  So we hired a car and Curtis did what all men in his circumstance would do... drove it three times.  Its 90km in length.  It was fun, except for the part of the road that had fallen away and there was only space for one car.  More impressive than the hairpin corners and fast straights, is the valley that the highway meanders through. The scenerary is outstanding, and amongst the most beautiful we have seen so far. It was the first time we have been jealous on our trip, as we saw tour cyclists riding this incredible road on our ascent. The mountains and lakes create a beautiful back drop to the roadside cliffs that drop away to a certain death. Your heart is in your mouth as you speed along this road.

Ginga Stig

The water was Freezing!

1 comment:

  1. Photos are amazing!!!!!!!! Soooo jealous xxx s and d
