Sunday, April 10, 2011

donations go a long way

Arriving at the Happy Home Pokhara I realised during the first day that all ten children were sleeping on wooden beds with nothing but one blanket to share between three. 
Below is a picture what the beds looked like.  Sorry you'll have to tilt your head to the left, i'm not sure why the picture kept loading like this. 

The following pictures are what the bedrooms now look like after you kind donations!!!  Current temperatures at night are around 6’ and its summer atm, so you can imagine what winter would be like without proper bedding.  Thank you for all your help in contributing towards this very worthwhile project.  The kids as you can see were very excited and will now have a comfortable safe place to sleep.  There were many arguments over the rose sheets, but the girls are so kind they shared anyway – who knew boys liked rose sheets?

Because of the incredible amount of donations that came through, I was able to get each child a pillow of their own and sheets. 
I had enough money left over for paint, and here are some before and after pictures of the main wall in the living area now looks like;

Almost finished!!! I’m waiting for Lara another volunteer to turn up tomorrow and finish the high parts for everyone.  On the white patches the children have chosen favorite sayings to be added, like “Every child needs a Happy Home” and “Don’t waste food” was a popular choice.  Although I've never seen a single child here waste a tiny piece of rice!
On another wall near the rooms we all put our hand print, name and birthday although some of the children don’t know what their birth date is, so I’m talking to Bishwa to try and get some sort of method to giving the children a date.    
This space you see in the photo above is where the children cook, eat, play, study and basically live.  Other than here they only have their rooms.  The desks were also bought with money raised from a previous volunteer so now we’re just waiting on benches and they will have a proper place to study and eat.
Again, thank you for making your contribution whatever the amount was it all adds up to make these changes and provide a safe, comfortable home so children get to be children!!!


  1. Thank You Cara!!!! for putting yourself out there and doing what you are doing, showing us these beautiful children and allowing us to support them in this small but very signficant way!!!!!!!!

  2. God bless you for all the great work you are doing there. I'm so happy we could help a little to make such a big difference. But it is YOU that made it happen. Thanks for that!
    Jennifer (friend of Sharon)
